Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Dating Me - How to Make Women Feel Like Women and Make Them Crazy for You

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On modern times females demand equal treatment from guys. Unfortunately most folks believe that they want to be treated like men. And the truth is they don't. Ladies still like to be treated like ladies.

Please don't misread their demands, when the ask for equal treatment they are just asking for a little bit of respect.

To become a ladies man you need to perform you male role, and let females perform theirs. In this article I am going to show you how to become the male women dream about.

#1. - You need to take control of the relationship Females want a man that makes them feel safe. And although must of them claim they want equal responsibilities in the partnership, they always fall for the guy who takes charge of the relationship.
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Don't listen to their words. Watch their actions. Most females won't openly admit they prefer the bad boy, but they do. Even the most hardcore feminists fall in love with bad boys, while they break sweet guys hearts.

#2. - Be the prize in publicWhen you are in public everything in your attitude should say you are the strongest male in the place. Move slowly, and stand tall. Talk in a slow and sensual way, and always make eye contact with people.

You should never show your feminine part in public. In other words, never show your feelings, and especially never lose control.

Yes, you are allowed to feel; after all you are a human being not a robot. But as a male you are not allowed to let your feelings take control over your behavior.

If you let women see your feminine side they will start performing the male role, and you won't qualify as a sexual partner any more. This common mistake will get you trapped in the friend-zone.

#3. - RespectConfident males treat women with respect all the time. The fact that you are performing your male role doesn't mean that you are better, or that you need to hurt them.

By performing the male role we are showing women that we can be great protectors. We are giving them the feeling of safety they so desperately need. If you hurt them they will see you as a weak man and the attraction will die forever.

I know this is controversial stuff. But it's the truth. Women want men who behave like men, and let them behave like women. Try it and prove me wrong!

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